March 5, 2019

Understanding Your Condition: Cardiac Diet


对大多数美国人来说,典型的不良饮食习惯是心脏病最具预测性的风险因素. 吃高热量和加工过的标准美国饮食会导致血管中形成斑块. This can lead to heart disease and early death.[i] 标准的美国饮食也会导致高血压, high serum cholesterol and inflammation. These factors increase the risk of heart disease.

在动脉壁上形成的斑块(动脉粥样硬化)会限制血液流动, rupture, and cause chest pain (angina). Atherosclerosis can also cause heart attacks and strokes.

在美国,六分之一的死亡是由于 coronary heart disease alone.

大多数美国人典型的不良饮食的主要原因是饱和脂肪和反式脂肪.[ii] These fats are found in animal-based foods such as beef, chicken, fish, sea food, eggs, milk, cheese and yogurt. 你也可以在椰子产品和棕榈油中找到饱和脂肪. 研究表明,选择鱼和家禽而不是牛肉和猪肉对总胆固醇没有显著影响.[iii] It is better to focus on eating fiber-rich plant foods[iv] which do not have saturated fats or trans fats. 富含纤维的植物性食物也含有纤维,可以降低总胆固醇.[v] 选择植物性饮食是你能为心脏做的最好的事情.[vi]

Four things you can do today.

你的生活方式会影响你患心脏病的风险. Change your lifestyle, change your life.[vii] 研究表明,以植物为基础的饮食提供了预防心脏病和从心脏病中存活的最佳机会.[viii]

  1. Eat more fiber-rich plant foods.
    At every meal, eat high-fiber plant foods such as beans, vegetables, fruit, whole grains, and 1–2 servings of nuts and seeds per day.[ix] 这将为心脏现金足球网哪个好提供纤维、营养和植物蛋白.
  2. Use the 2—2—2 Method.
    If you feel you cannot remove animal proteins, try limiting fish or seafood to 2 times a week, poultry to 2 times a month, and beef or pork to 2 times a year.[x] Consider them treats instead of a staple in the diet. For optimal heart health, eliminate them completely.
  3. Reduce eggs and dairy.
    鸡蛋和日记中的饱和脂肪使它们有患心力衰竭的高风险. For optimal health remove them completely. If you can’t remove them completely, 将鸡蛋控制在每周2次,乳制品控制在每月2次(包括低脂乳制品)。.
  4. Limit your salt intake.
    The highest food sources of sodium are chicken, cheese, processed meats, bread, frozen dinners, fast food, and canned soup. 限制这些食物的摄入量,用高纤维植物性食物代替.

For the healthiest heart, eat more plant-based fiber.

  1. Beans
    Buy canned, dried, frozen, or fresh beans. Use whatever is easiest. 寻找低钠或无盐添加的罐装豆类或购买普通豆类并用清水冲洗. 冲洗豆汁也能减少胀气和消化不良的症状.
  2. Vegetables
    每天多吃几次新鲜的、冷冻的或罐装的(低钠)蔬菜. Eat vegetables raw, steamed, baked, grilled, or boiled.
  3. Fruits
  4. Whole grains and starchy vegetables
    任何种类的土豆、山药、南瓜、玉米或全谷物,如燕麦片、糙米、藜麦等. For bread products, 试试Food for Life®,它用发芽的全谷物和豆类代替面粉制成以西结书4:9®面包.
  5. Nuts and Seeds
    Enjoy 1–2 serving a day of salt-free walnuts, almonds, peanuts, cashews, natural nut butter, flax or chia seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, etc.


Heart healthy menu options


  • 燕麦片加浆果、香蕉或葡萄干、坚果或种子
  • 生命之粮®以西结书4:9®发芽面包,加坚果酱和水果(推荐浆果)



  • 深色绿叶沙拉、烤土豆、豆类、蒸蔬菜和水果作为甜点
  • 糙米和蒸蔬菜搭配烤豆腐、毛豆或扁豆汤



  • 糙米,黑豆,玉米,低钠莎莎酱,鳄梨酱和深绿色绿叶沙拉
  • 蔬菜汤,生命之粮以西结书4:9发芽面包和深色绿叶沙拉


Fruit, vegetables and hummus, beans, leftovers, nuts or fruit trail mix, avocado or peanut butter toast, small bean burrito, unsweetened apple sauce, small bowl of oatmeal, etc.


[i] Micha, R., G. Michas, and D. Mozaffarian, 未加工的红肉和加工肉类与冠状动脉疾病和2型糖尿病的风险-最新证据综述. Current Atherosclerosis Reports, 2012. 14(6): p. 515-524.
[ii] Horowitz, J.F., et al., 超重成人高饱和脂肪饮食仅1-2周后心脏代谢疾病风险标志物的变化. PLOS ONE, 2018. 13(6): p. e0198372.
[iii] 比较牛肉与家禽和/或鱼类消费对脂质影响的随机对照试验的荟萃分析
Maki, Kevin C. et al. 临床血脂学杂志,第6卷,第4期,352 - 361
[iv] Tharrey, M., et al., 植物和动物蛋白摄入模式与心血管死亡率密切相关:基督复临现金足球网哪个好研究-2队列. Int J Epidemiol, 2018. 47(5): p. 1603-1612.
[v] The effect of combining plant sterols, soy protein, viscous fibers, and almonds in treating hypercholesterolemia
Jenkins, David J.A et al. 代谢-临床和实验,卷52,第11期,1478 - 1483
[vi] Key, T.J., et al., 素食者和非素食者的死亡率:76人中8300人死亡的合作分析,000 men and women in five prospective studies. Public health nutrition, 1998. 1(1): p. 33-41.
[vii] Chiuve, S.E., et al., 现金足球网哪个好生活方式因素在男性冠心病一级预防中的作用:降脂和降压药物使用者和非使用者的益处. Circulation, 2006. 114(2): p. 160-167.
[viii] 更新冠心病停搏和逆转治疗的12年经验(姑息性心脏病学迟来的安魂曲)
Esselstyn, Caldwell B,美国心脏病杂志,第84卷,第3期,339 - 341
[ix] Tuso, P.J., et al., Nutritional update for physicians: plant-based diets. The Permanente Journal, 2013. 17(2): p. 61.
[x] Dr. Wayne Dysinger,


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